Texas Register September 2, 2022 Volume: 47 Number: 35

The Governor Proclamation 41-3924 The Governor issued Proclamation 41-3924 to renew the disaster declaration for all Texas counties for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. OVERVIEW In accordance with the authority vested in me by Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code, … Read More

Texas Register August 26, 2022 Volume: 47 Number: 34

The Governor Appointments Re: The Governor appointed one individual to the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee. Appointments for August 11, 2022 Appointed to the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee for a term to expire February 1, 2023: Kristen S. “Kris” … Read More

Texas Register August 5, 2022 Volume: 47 Number: 31

The Governor Proclamation 41-3918 The Governor issued Proclamation 41-3918 to renew the COVID-19 disaster proclamation. OVERVIEW In accordance with the authority vested by Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code, the Governor hereby renews the disaster proclamation for all counties … Read More

Texas Register July 8, 2022 Volume: 47 Number: 27

The Governor Budget Execution Order Transferring funds to support mental health and school safety initiatives. OVERVIEW Pursuant to Section 317.005(b) of the Government Code, the Governor ratifies the proposal dated June 27, 2022, which stated that there is an emergency … Read More

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