The Health Law Section of the State Bar is dedicated to supporting health law practitioners across the state (and even around the country) in every practice setting.
Members of the Section write and evaluate the Texas Board of Legal Specialization’s annual health law specialization examination; provide weekly updates of health law developments from the Texas Register, co-sponsor an annual CLE conference with the Texas Hospital Association, and offer a CLE session at the SBOT’s annual meeting.
The Section’s activities also include case-law updates, cataloging the various county and local health law association meetings around the state, providing easy access to health lawyers’ client alerts and newsletters, publishing CLE papers and other analytical pieces throughout the year.
The Section also publishes a “Know Your Rights” brochure for the law public and, as happened during Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, can provide extraordinary service to the bar and the public during times of public-health crisis.
We are eager to support Section members in new ways, as well. Please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Health Law Council (link above tag) with your ideas for ways to get even more value out of your Section membership.